Category: Construction Bond

Bottlenecks in Supply Chains: The Construction Industry Explained
March 9, 2023

Bottlenecks in Supply Chains: The Construction Industry Explained

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your construction bond needs. Supply Chain Disruptions When contractors estimate costs and bid on a project, they make certain assumptions about the lead times for certain materials and components. Availability, costs, and lead times all became far more difficult to predict during the global pandemic. Prior to that, bottlenecks in supply chains and disruptions tended to be limited to certain regions and were usually the result of extreme weather events and natural disasters, political instability and civil unrest, labor disputes, and so on. The supply chain disruptions that began in 2020 were not limited to individual countries or trade partners. Worldwide shutdowns intended to stop the spread of Covid-19 had the unintended effect of crippling international and domestic transportation of goods, including construction materials. Labor shortages, high fuel prices, natural disasters (such as Hurricane Ian in September 2022), and the war in Ukraine have had a devastating cumulative impact on construction supply chains. While it’s no longer common to see harbors clogged with...

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Statistics on Women in Construction
February 22, 2023

Statistics on Women in Construction

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your construction bond needs. Women Historically Have Been Underrepresented in Construction There is documentation of women working as construction laborers in the 13th century, but for centuries after that, there is little evidence of women construction workers, at least not in significant numbers. Some believe that the lack of historical statistical data on women in construction is simply due to the very small number of women doing construction work. Others think that women had such low social status outside of the nobility that they weren’t worth mentioning in the historical record. For most of the first millennium, women who worked outside of the home did so primarily out of economic necessity. Poor single women and widows with no husband or extended family they could rely on for support had few options for making money. For the most part, they were regarded as a burden on society and were even regarded as somehow being responsible for the dire circumstances in which they found themselves....

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How Long Does a Surety Bond Last?
February 22, 2023

How Long Does a Surety Bond Last?

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your construction bond needs. How Long Does a Surety Bond Last? There are no surety bonds that last forever, but some can remain in force indefinitely. So, how long does a surety bond last? Some must be renewed annually, and some can’t be renewed at all. In other words, a surety bond lasts as long as the party requiring the purchase of the bond (the “obligee”) says it must last—as long as the premiums are paid, of course. Different types of surety bonds have different durations. Why Does Duration Matter? The financial protection a surety bond gives the obligee ends when the bond expires or is canceled. Unless there is an active surety bond in place at the time a loss is incurred, the obligee cannot file a claim to recover monetary damages. Surety Bond Basics It’s important to understand how surety bonds work to understand why “how long they last” is significant. A surety bond is a legally binding contract among three...

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OSHA Fines Contractor $287,000 in Arkansas Due to Employee Safety Issues
February 22, 2023

OSHA Fines Contractor $287,000 in Arkansas Due to Employee Safety Issues

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your construction bond needs. Behind the Headlines In June 2022, two construction company employees in Arkansas lost their lives in a tragic workplace incident. The first worker entered a newly installed 20-foot-deep sewer manhole to perform a test and soon lost consciousness. A coworker attempted to rescue him but soon lost consciousness as well. Both workers later died from lack of oxygen in the confined space. The following OSHA investigation found that the employer not only failed to obtain the permits required by federal law for the work. The company, which specializes in concrete and tunneling work and wastewater pipe construction, also did not test the oxygen level before sending a worker into the manhole. With proper pre-entry planning, the lack of oxygen and the resulting need for ventilation would have been detected through testing.  Additionally, the employer had not trained its employees on the proper procedures for entering a confined space nor equipped them with rescue equipment. The company was subsequently fined...

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Dodge Data Concludes Recession in Construction Unlikely in 2023
February 22, 2023

Dodge Data Concludes Recession in Construction Unlikely in 2023

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your construction bond needs. Significance of Economic Forecasts in Construction The construction industry typically looks to Dodge Data & Analytics for economic forecasts to guide planning related to workforce development, equipment purchases, project financing, and other short- to medium-term business decisions. The big question for the construction industry in the first quarter of 2023 is whether the U.S. economy is likely to enter into a recession this year and, if so, how bad are things likely to get. The Construction industry relies on research and forecasts from other sources in addition to Dodge Data & Analytics, such as the National Association of Home Builders, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation, and other industry groups, as well as a variety of private research firms. Predictions about the likelihood of a recession in the construction industry take into account such factors as: Inflation Interest rate movements Unemployment rates and job creation in various sectors of the economy Planned construction, and actual construction starts (residential, commercial,...

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Early Impact of IIJA on Roads
February 22, 2023

Early Impact of IIJA on Roads

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your construction bond needs. What Is IIJA? When President Eisenhower signed legislation appropriating funds to build the U.S. Interstate Highway System of roads, bridges, and tunnels that greatly increased the ease of traveling from one state to another, coast to coast throughout the nation. Officially known as the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, one of its purposes was to facilitate quick mobilization and movement of military troops and equipment when necessary. By the early 1990s, there were nearly 45,000 miles of interstate highway, giving people unprecedented mobility and spurring the growth of interstate commerce. However, nobody expected the highway system to last forever. The money appropriated for maintaining it ran out in 1972, and since then funding has relied on a gasoline tax. Over the decades, it became increasingly apparent that the nation’s highways were falling into disrepair. That was made abundantly clear by the 2007 collapse of a section of a bridge on I-35 outside of Minneapolis...

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What Is Extended Pay?
January 9, 2023

What Is Extended Pay?

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your performance and payment bond needs. What Are Performance Bonds? To understand what is extended pay, you must first understand how performance bonds work. Purchasing a performance bond (as well as a payment bond) is a legal requirement under the federal Miller Act of 1935 for being awarded a federally funded contract in excess of $150,000. Similar legislation exists in most states for state-funded construction projects. And private project owners increasingly are requiring performance bonds from their contractors. A performance bond provides financial protection for project owners in the event that a contractor fails to bring a project to successful completion. Performance bonds are issued in specific amounts (usually to cover the full project cost) and for a specific length of time, by the end of which the job should be completed. Each performance bond is a legally binding contract among three parties: The “obligee” (the project owner requiring the bond), The “principal” (the contractor required to purchase the bond), and The “surety”...

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What Are Underbillings?
January 9, 2023

What Are Underbillings?

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your performance and payment bond needs. What Are Underbillings? The Definition in Construction Underbilling occurs when costs have not yet been billed or reimbursed. The accounting method most commonly used by contractors to report earnings is the percentage of completion (POC) method. A project’s revenue is calculated using the contract price and the percentage of completion and very rarely matches the amount billed. The difference between the two is either an underbilling or an overbilling. POC accounting determines the percentage of work on a project completed as of a particular date, based on the costs incurred to that point as a percentage of the total estimated costs for the project. For example, when a contractor reports having incurred 50% of total project costs but has billed only 35% of the total contract price, there is an underbilling of 15% of the contract price. Why Does Underbilling Occur? Underbilling is fairly common. Underbilling of costs typically is the result of: Slow billing that occurs...

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What Is a Work in Progress Schedule?
January 9, 2023

What Is a Work in Progress Schedule?

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your payment and performance bond needs. What is a Work in Progress Schedule Report (WIP) in Construction? A work in progress schedule, also referred to as a WIP report, shows where a project stands in terms of completion and billing as of a certain date. It’s an important management tool for keeping a project on track and financially healthy. How Often Are Work in Progress Reports Generated? There is no hard and fast rule governing how frequently WIP reports should be produced on a given project. Ideally, key project personnel, particularly the project manager, is getting together with the accounting folks on a regular basis, perhaps even weekly. During those meetings, information is shared and inconsistencies are addressed. The project budget and schedule are rough benchmarks for where the project should stand at any particular point in time. Construction companies commonly use the percentage of completion accounting model. Costs that have been billed are deducted from the total gross profit forecast for the...

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What Is Profit Fade?
January 9, 2023

What Is Profit Fade?

Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your performance & payment bond needs. Profit Fade Defined Profit fade is what happens when profits on a construction project are gradually reduced over time as work on the project progresses. Surety companies typically require periodic financial reports throughout the duration of a construction project. These reports are prepared using the percentage of completion accounting method. Each report specifies the percentage of the project that has been completed to date and the profit recognized as of the date of the report. Ideally, when a contractor reports that 50% of a project is complete, the profit recognized at that point and added to the contractor’s P&L statement is also 50% of the total estimated profit for the job, or $50,000. At the 75% completion mark, 75% of the profit should have been recognized, adding $75,000 to the P&L statement. Upon project completion, 100% of the estimated profit should be accounted for. Profit Fade Example Profit fade occurs when the profit recognized at a certain...

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