Subdivision Bonds for Developers: A Guide
Surety Bond Professionals is a family owned and operated bonding agency with over 30 years of experience. With access to a broad range of surety markets, our expert agents are ready to assist with all of your construction bond needs. What Are Subdivision Bonds? A subdivision bond, also called a plat bond, developer bond, or completion bond, is a specialized type of performance bond guaranteeing that certain improvements will be made in a subdivision. Such improvements include streets, sidewalks, streetlights, curbs, gutters, sewers, water mains, fire hydrants, and more—anything considered to be public infrastructure. A subdivision bond guarantees these improvements will be completed and tied in with public infrastructure according to municipal code. The bond gives the municipal authority or other party requiring the bond (the “obligee”) a way to recover monetary damages from the developer (the bond’s “principal”) if the subdivision work is not completed satisfactorily. Who Needs a Subdivision Bond and Why? Developers, not contractors, are required to purchase subdivision bonds. A subdivision bond is needed when a developer divides a piece of land to build homes for individual sale. With a subdivision bond in place, the developer can go ahead and sell individual lots or homes...
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